We Matter.
9:21 PMYou close your ears so you don't see the pain. You cover your eyes so you don't hear the screams. You walk right on by pass the...
9:21 PM
You close your ears so you don't see the pain. You cover your eyes so you don't hear the screams. You walk right on by pass the dark in the day. What you live in you don't completely understand. Stop. We're here. Look. We're hurting. Listen. WE are speaking. And WE MATTER.
#blacklivesmatter #altonsterling
Sometimes I feel like we're going into the future stuck in reverse. We make the same sounds and letters all jumbled up into a uniformed melody but still don't seem to be heard. It's sad you know. Sometimes I can't verbally express all of my feelings and emotions not because I don't want to but that I just don't know how. This is an impromptu illustration to help ME show YOU what is currently going on inside my thoughts.
Don't just walk by Darkness but shine Light on it. Inhumane injustice needs fall on its knees with it's hands behind it's head and be put down.
Remember you never have to feel alone because Jesus is always with you. Just chat Him up! Much love.